Introducing CoSolve

Our prime role is to promote cooperation in the workplace and the rewards that come with this.

We do this by providing advice, training, mediation and facilitation assistance in respect of

  • enterprise bargaining,
  • workplace change and
  • issues resolution.

Our principal role is that of facilitator. As such, we prefer to work in an independent capacity on the joint brief of all stakeholders, typically employees, unions and management. We also work with parties outside of workplace settings, helping them to manage change and deal with issues constructively.

The combination of our credibility, expertise and experience helps everyone achieve the outcomes they are looking for – organisational excellence and a better place in which to work.


     We specialise in facilitating —

  • interest-based processes
  • business process improvement
  • innovation
  • meaningful consultation
  • bargaining for mutual gain
  • inclusive problem-solving
  • dispute resolution.

    And we conduct —

  • mediations and
  • workplace investigations.


Independence    Expertise   Experience

We work off a simple premise: that the most productive workplaces are those where relations between the people there are at their best. Relationships based on trust, respect and good communications. Turns out they are also the most enjoyable and rewarding places in which to work.